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Bha Fèis Thatha air a stèidheachadh ann an 2019, a' tighinn còmhla ris na 47 Fèisean eile air feadh na h-Alba. Tha sinn a’ toirt cothrom do dhaoine tighinn còmhla gus na sgilean aca anns na h-ealain Ghàidhlig a leasachadh – seinn, dannsa agus ceòl traidiseanta air tòrr ionnsramaidean eadar-dhealaichte. Tha an teagaisg fosgailte agus spòrsail, ach proifeiseanta agus èifeachdach.
Fèis Thatha was established in 2019, joining the 47 other Fèisean already in existence across Scotland. We provide the opportunity for individuals to come together to develop skills in the Gaelic arts - song, dance and traditional music on a variety of instruments. We make sure that tuition is both accessible and fun as well as professional and effective.
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